Tuesday, January 08, 2008


17 years ago today, I gave birth to a little black haired baby, that has grown into this young woman. She was born at home in the inner city, after a full night of labor. We had a birthing pool, but water wasn't my thing, it just gave me the chance to behave like a breaching whale, so she was born on the bed. She was born a few minutes after 7am, and one of the most remarkable things is that the room went pink, I guess thats when love entered the room.
She was a beautiful baby, (she thinks she was a bit freaky with long black hair.) I could hardly bare to put her down.
I will be forever thankful to the midwife Olivia, who taught me so much, and totally empowered my to give birth, and breastfeed.

Home birth was not an option, buy the time Handy and I were having babies, Cherry was born in Mt Isa (north west Queenlsand), Beau in Brisbane, and Kurtis, here in Redcliffe.
When Beau was born in Brisbane, by some amazing co-incidence, Alana-Roses midwife, Olivia, was attending in the hospital, and Beau, is named after her, She is acutually Olivia Beau. I like to think that co-incidences, are the message, that we are on the right track.

Alana-Rose, dosen't live with us here, (she prefers an innercity life), so the birthday dinner is tomorrow night, and she will spend a few days with us.

I'm going to have a little weep now.

The dress she is wearing, is the same as the little dresses from a previous post.

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