Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Here is Beau, all ready to go on holidays. She has done her own packing, and has everything seperated, and labled in to bags, knickers, shorts, longs pants, dresses, t-shirts, P.j's, and elastics,(in mouth). Looks like she just needs a shopping trolley to put it all in.
We are off on a 10 day holiday, with a whole lot of other families, at a conference centre, it means NO COOKING FOR 10 DAYS. How good is that. So for me it will be knitting, reading, and painting, while I watch the kids bounce around the pool, or count them as they run past in a mob. or send them to the movies with Handy. What ever happens, i don't have to cook, now thats a holiday.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Today I have been asked to speak at Church about Love, this is a new experince for me. this is the written version of what I will say.

To the 10 am Redcliffe UC congreation.

Today is the day that we want to be sure, that you are totally maxed out with love, for this Christmans time. So full of love, that there is heaps to spare, that it is overflowing, wetting your feet and touching the hearts of all those people you come across in the next few days,
We are not talking about that human love that waxes and wanes, that can be needy, or demenading.
But Gods love, the love that is always there, the love that is in every breath we take, the love that makes flowers bloom, Gods love is the love that holds everything in place and keeps everything moving foreward.
Before I became a Christian I was a "New Ager". I had always searched for love, human love and I have found it to be elusive and insecure. When I was a "New Ager" I had love, but we called it the light. My tiny human understanding of God need more, and so God sent me Jesus. I get Jesus love, I get that God sent a baby, his son, who grew into a man,- to show us the way. And the way is to love one another.
Its not a love that wants something back, not a love that has conditions or is dependant. You know we can be in a room of people who love us, and still feel un loved. Gods love for us is our very foundation, the rock of our lives and through Jesus we are told what love is , in Pauls first letter to the Corinthians he repeated what Jesus had taught him. " If I have no love than I am nothing". Sometimes I feel like nothing when the Humans around me don’t love me the way I want them to. What keeps me together is knowing Gods love.
Jesus love, is a love that serves, nurtures, heals, and forgives, it is constant and gracious.
At this Christmas time we are called to stand up for Jesus, to spread the news of his mirical birth, and to be the embodiment of Gods love for human kind.
So lets get down to the nitty gritty of this time, It can easily be, a really stress full time, we all know that. And I am going to ask to you rise above that stress, and embrace the people around you. To behave as Jesus would, enjoy the joy, the hospitality, and the people around you.
Serve out of love, not because of a sense of duty or obligation. If you feel obliged to serve, either change your attidue, or don’t bother serving, because service without love, is meaningless, in Gods world.
The really big thing to remember is that sharing the Love of God, is a Choice you make
So here is a little exercise you can do if it all getting to much, (everyone stand), Ok raise your hands in the air,- take a deep breath, -and another one, and say " God please fill me with your grace and love". Amen.
If you see others stressing out, have a quite prayer for them, smile offer to help, laugh it off with them, be there for them, let them feel the love from your Maxed out heart. Remember love is good, love is kind, love is generous.
And God loves you.
At the end of the service, everyone was invited to experience some love. In a walk through, that touched all the senses.
We burn't Sandal wood and rose insence, and played Bethovens "Moonlight. Sonata" The lights were dimmed and we had fairy lights.

Walking through the curtians, touch, beautiful soft fabrics.

Here is Kurtis, my Angel (Ha Ha) he sat very quitely, and sprayed everyones feet with rose water.

Taking a moment to stop, see your reflection, and say God Loves Me.

Someone who cares.

The walk through finished with hugs, and a cold drink, strawberry/rose/kaffir lime cordial, I made mixed with sodawater.

It was great, and I would like to give a big thanks, and hug to Jen, for helping and being so much fun, and to the REV Pete, for allowing such creativity.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Closet Knitter

I just love this hat. I saw it on the "Brooklyn Tweed" blog, and just had to have the pattern. Thanks to Sooz (see list at side) I got hold of the mag, its in Interweave Knits Holiday Special 2007.

With soooooo much to do at this time of year, I was making myself wait untill I went on holidays, but that proved much, and I started it.

To fit it in, I'm knitting anywhere, anytime , and keep it in my handbag, I've knitted at the dog park, while kids and dog, ran around, I've knitted while waiting for meetings. But by far the best ilicit knit I have had, has been at that really big hardware store. I promised the kids, that if they let me get my lights and stuff, without any grief, they could hang out in the indoor play space.

I settled down into the comfy out door furniture display, and had a knit, while the man in the "Warrick Cappa" shorts unloaded a pallet. The children were happy, and I was at peace.

The "Knitter's Pin Up Boy"(Sooz), Jared Flood, oringinally knited this in Himalyan Yak wool, which is just a tad exotic for around here, so I'm using good old Australian Patons, Its called Jet, its 70%wool, 30% alpaca, 12ply.
I am really happy with this, and will make many, Handy wants one in Maroon (Go Queensland), and the children want them, I will need to buy more wool so I can enjoy my holiday; Test Cricket and Knitting, dosen't get much better than that.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Its looking a lot like Christmas

This is Cherry, and the finished Ginger Beer, she made the lables, looks like the spelling is wrong on this one, oh well. We will use it for gifts, and hospitality.

Handy and the Kids, put up the tree weeks ago, one day when i was at the markets, and they needed entertainment. I like to wait for the school holidays to start, because it gives them somthing to do. Today, we got out a Christmans tablecloth, the Nativity stuff, and the Stockings

The stockings are made like handbags. They are made from Craft Print stocking, bought as a pair, in the sales. I'm cheap so figured 2 pairs equals 4 shapes, so they all have the other side in deep red cotton velveteen, soft gold fringing, a padded top, and they are lined in black satin. They are just lovely, the kids get to cart all their stuff around on Christmas day in them, then its back to the cupboard. This is their 3rd outing.

Look, made it to the paper

Got the memorial wall in the paper, reaching into the community. Yesterday
I got a grant for this project. Its called a "Go Grant" for misional work, it comes from the Uniting Church (Corporate). THANK YOU.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Lights, PO BOX HEAVEN

This is one of the Christmas Lights windows I've been working on. This is a memorial wall, to acknowledge, that people are missing Family and Friends at Christmas Time, that not only is it a time of great happiness, it can also be a time of great sadness.

The people who have participated in this installation, have appreciated the opportunity, to publicly acknowledge their grief. In the lead up to Christmas, our Church is open every night, during this time I hope to collect more 'dedications'. Thanks to all those people who participated, may the peace of God be with you, at this time.

Made from, Photocopied Acetate, tape, white plastic sheeting, backlit, with the room fluro.

ps. this photo dosen't really do it justice.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Dresses

I made this dress for a cocktail party. Good Party, Great Dress, I love it, feels great on, fantastic to touch. beautiful colours.
Here is a close up of the fabric, it has chenille baubles.

This is the dress and the pattern I was going to make today, to wear tommorow, of course. The fabric, is a Mambo print 100% pure poly, and much to my horror, it just refused to sew, I mean the stitches just didn't happen, I changed needles, I even changed sewing machines, and absolutely no joy. I got stressed, because I am supposed to go to a Kids party at Handy's new office, in the city tomorrow, and I realy don't feel that I have anything suitable to wear, hence the dress. I dragged out some other fabric, also a Mambo print, and pretty wild, put the dress together, all the time thinking, this is just heading towards fashion disaster. Guess what, It is fashion disaster, probably o.k. at the beach (fortunatly thats where I live) but not o.k. for a fancy city office.

Handy likes the above dress, and thinks I should wear it, I'm not so sure. I think it will be another session at the sewing machine today, for a simple top, and my trusty black pants, (boring)

Why don't I just shop, you say. Well I'm a curvy size 18, and I struggle to find anything I really like. And being a Dress/Pattern maker, I am also cheap, and don't much want to buy myself stuff made in china.

Oh the delimas of a fat mother.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Apron Swap

This is the apron, from the Down to Earth, apron sway I particiapated in. It came from Jeanne, in the United States, she lives in the Shanendoah Valley, and they have apples, so I got an apple apron, It is double sided, and has huge pockets, which is great, with all the stuff I drag around. I use it as a work apron (not house work), art, craft and market work.
Thank you Jeanne, I love it.

Christmas Gifts

When I started reading blogs a few months ago, Rhonda, at Down to Earth, had done a dish cloth swap. I read all about dishcloths, which is hugely exciting stuff for me (HA HA) anyway, I love stuff you reuse and don't just chuck, and I like to knit, so I have knitted a whole lot of dish cloths, for Christmas presents. I know that they are not really very exciting, and may not be regarded, as the best gift my friends get, but I do know that I made them with love, and they will be used everyday. I am packaging them with a bar of soap, in which I have carved the word KITCHEN.
I don't think that I will get much "wow" factor out of the gifts I give, but I am totally satisfied, that they are gifts that will be used. No more junk buying for me.

Getting Ready for Christmas

This is how I am wrapping our Christmas gifts. Brown paper, (it's my pattern making paper), a strip of purple paper, and a gold ribbon. I'm happy with it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Last Day

Yesterday was Kurtis's last day at kindy, here he is being a Magi (wise man). His lines, "lets follow the star and find him" and "I've got frankinsense". He sang the loudest, and had a great time.
I on the other hand, was barely keeping it together, and cried and cried and cried. I am generally sentimental at my childrens shows (and anything else), but yesterday marked the end of 5 years at this Kindy.

This is Mrs Bucan, She had been a great friend, and the most beautiful teacher for all my children. She knew that i would be a mess, and presented me with this mortar board and a graduation certificate, trying to soften the blow, I guess. I've been Vice President this year, and will stay on the committe, for a while yet, there is to be changes in the Kindy, due to social preasure, and i want to be part of the moving foreward, making sure that future families get the best for their children, and that kindy remains community owned, and dosen't get sucked into corporate childcare.
Today is also the day, that the Jeep went, I loved this car, but being a truckie 6 cylinder, used way to much petrol. I have hardly left the Peninsular in the 12 months I've had it. It also needed work done on the steering, and Handy decided it was to expensive to keep. I'm getting somthing 4 cylinder.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jesus - he's here

And isn't he beautiful. I am absolutly positive that Jesus was a beautiful baby, one that slept through the night and didn't sick up, all the time.

This centre piece is about 1.5m and is the gift, in a "Jesus is the Gift" window display for church. The rest of the display is wrapped and unwrapped Christmas boxes, and maybe some dud gifts. More photos to come. Let me tell you, this image maxes out my heart with love.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Lovely Leroy

Ginger Beer

In an attempt to controll the amount of sugar my children drink, and because its just plain fun, I'm making ginger beer. This is it fermenting away on day 4. You can get the instruction on The Down to Earth blog, its in the May 07 archive. I'm doing 2 lots, at once so that i have plenty for Christmas drink and gifts, I'm going to make one up with splenda for myself.

3 little dresses

A friend of mine asked me to make some dresses for a little girl, she knows. She gave me a bag of fabric, and asked for a "Fairy Dress" and some Christmas dresses. The pink fairy dress has a stretch top (my fabric) with just a gathered skirt. The Christmas sun dresses, are a simple pattern of mine, I have made many of these for my girls, and use the same pattern (but bigger) for nighties for myself.